Your Trusted
Certified Public Accountants

“In my experience with Rice Sullivan, LLC's team, they take a hands-on, personal approach to their client relationships. Rice, Sullivan & Co. takes a genuine interest in our company, showing concern for and acting upon our needs and expectations, and being extremely reliable.”

Joe T. Tantillo
Express Design Group, Inc.

“We trust in Rice Sullivan, LLC's expertise and appreciate the personal relationships we've built over the years. We are confident we receive the best advice available when working with them.”

Carl Tempel
Carl H. Tempel, Inc. DBA Reebs Dairy

“Our relationship with Rice Sullivan, LLC has always been a great one. They have provided our company with consistently high quality service for over 50 years.”

Stephen P. Gundlach
President & CEO
Beno J. Gundlach Company

Joe T. Tantillo

Carl Tempel

Stephen P. Gundlach

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2023-2024 Tax Planning Guide

2023-2024 Tax Planning Guide

We have prepared this tax planning guide to provide information about deductions, credits, tax law changes and planning strategies that can help you minimize your taxes and maximize your financial well-being.